Statement on the invasion of Ukraine by Russia

On behalf of our Trustees, Patrons and Honorary Advisers, we at CamRuSS would like to express our condemnation of the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, and our solidarity with the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

The purpose of the Cambridge Russian-Speaking Society is to further the understanding of Russian language and culture, and this extends equally to all countries for whom this is a shared heritage.

Our Society’s plan for forthcoming events will obviously be impacted by the crisis, and we will be keeping our members and subscribers informed.

25 February 2022

Our response: CamRuSS for Ukrainians

Cambridge and Cambridgeshire welcome Ukrainian refugees. With the help of our volunteers we have set up CamRuSS for Ukrainians initiative, where we offer support and up-to-date essential information to Ukrainian guests and their host families. Follow this link to find out more


Welcome to the Cambridge Russian-Speaking Society in 2022

2021 was another unpredictable year, which we made into a success with 27 events attracting more than 2,500 registrants; we saw a 76% increase in members! People joined us predominantly online, but we also managed to reconnect with some of you in person over the last few weeks of the year.

We aim to continue delivering online events in 2022, but will plan to have in-person talks and social gatherings for our local community members on a regular basis. There will also be a number of events in the Russian language, with translation where possible. Please follow our Ev­­­­­­ents Calendar on this website and our social media channels: Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.

The online format makes it possible for people not only from other parts of the UK but also across the world to join our Society and attend our virtual events. It also allows us to invite speakers from outside the UK who otherwise would not be able to visit CamRuSS.

We offer a wide range of talks about Russian culture, art and history, as well as discussions, film screenings, poetry evenings, cooking classes, art auctions, Russian language courses and social gatherings. We welcome everyone to join our events, regardless of whether you speak Russian, are a member of CamRuSS or are considering joining. Most of our events are in English.

We would encourage you to subscribe to our free email newsletter of upcoming events and Russia-related news which we send out once a week or fortnight. You can do this by completing the form in the top right-hand corner of this page.

While there is no charge for our online events, CamRuSS would welcome any donations towards the support of our volunteers’ efforts during this time. All money raised by CamRuSS from membership fees & donations goes towards organising events, supporting community projects, and essential technical and administrative costs. You can also make a Gift Aid donation.

By signing up for CamRuSS membership, you will have access to all of the video recordings of our online events. Our annual membership is currently only £12 for an individual and £18 for a family. Other benefits include free access to paid events, advertising opportunities via our newsletter and website, as well as other forms of informational support.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or ideas, please contact us by filling in our contact form. You can also send us an email:

The CamRuSS team is looking forward to seeing you at our events in 2022!




Feedback from our members and friends about our online events in 2020:

Very well organised and easy to access (unlike many other events!)

The standard of the talks given on art/painting has been very high.

Mostly absolutely fantastically carried out. It made me able to attend when I would not have been able before.

Sir Tony Brenton’s recent talk on Russia-West relations was excellent!

I always enjoy CamRUSS events. Many thanks for organising them!

The range of topics, and quality of the talks has been impressive. The hosts and presenters have mastered the technology very well. In all events there has been a strong sense of a community to which we belong. I have found the conversation group very demanding for my level of Russian and should welcome something more structured.

Great opportunity for people outside the UK to join CamRuSS events.

Thank you for all of your efforts to put on events during the coronavirus pandemic – although I haven’t been able to attend very many events live, it has been great to watch back some of the YouTube recordings.

You are really super!

I would defy anyone with any interest in Russia or Russian culture, not to find something on your extremely varied programme that they would enjoy. The extremely high calibre of the guest speakers that you have brought into our homes is most impressive.

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