Trip and Tour of Exhibition: “A Game in Hell. The Great War in Russia”

Sunday, 19th October 2014.
TIME: the guided tour of the exhibition starts at 14:30 sharp.Khlebnikov1

Venue: “GRAD” (Gallery for Russian Art & Design), 3-4a Little Portland Street, London W1W 7JB (a 5-min walk from Oxford Circus!)

GRAD4The guided tour of the exhibition will be led by its Curator, Natalia Budanova (mainly in Russian; possibly with some commentary in English too).

Transport: We propose taking one of the following two trains from Cambridge to London King’s Cross:

  • 12:20, arr. 13:15; then tube to Oxford Street, to arrive there about 13:30, which would give us a bit of time for a light lunch;
  • OR 13:20 (and have sandwiches on board the train), arr. 14:15; then tube to Oxford Street – getting there by 14:30 and going straight to the exhibition.
  • Alternatively, you can, of course, make your own way to London.

In any case, the final MEETING POINT is by the entrance to the “GRAD” gallery at 14:30 sharp.

Please sign up via email: and let us know which of the transport options you would like to choose.

GRAD5GRAD3The exhibition’s title “Game in Hell” refers to the eponymous futuristic book, published in the last pre-war year, with the text written by Velimir Khlebnikov and Alexei Kruchenykh and the illustrations by Natalia Goncharova and Olga Rozanova. The exhibition opened in the GRAD (Gallery of Russian Art and Design) offers a unique opportunity to get acquainted with Russian art and propaganda graphics, photographs and newsreels of World War I from private collections and Moscow museum right in the heart of London. Some of the exhibits, including the children’s drawings, books by Russian Futurists, and lithographic albums by Natalia Goncharova and Olga Rozanova are hardly ever seen as they are either kept in museum storage rooms or in private collections, inaccessible to a wide audience. Rare photo albums documenting day-to-day course of the war through the eyes of its participants are also of great interest – infantry and airmen, filmed their life at the front in between battles.


Одним октябрьским воскресным днем CamRuSS отправилась в галерею русского искусства GRAD, что в центре Marylebone. Выставка была посвящена искусству во время Первой Мировой Войны. Наталья Буданова, куратор выставки, расскрыла для нас лубочное искусство (полукомичные изображения Первой Мировой Войны) и подход мастеров-футуристов к изображению всепоглощающей и страшной войны. Экскурсия заставила думать, анализировать и создавать связи уже известного с новым. Экскурсовод мысленно перенесла меня в школьные годы походов в Русский музей и Эрмитаж, что навеяло очень приятные вопоминания.

Спасибо за особенный воскресный день и до новых встреч.

Мария Веселова-Смит

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