The Spring Concert featured some of the most shining musical talents of Cambridge.
- Glowing warmth;
- bright and bustling atmosphere;
- flamboyant Russian folk motifs;
- tender pancakes with sweet and savoury fillings, accompanied by vodka and tea with the authentic crispy Russian “sushki”;
- spring flowers and a hearty company of happy people!
– Maxim Kosinov (VIOLIN) of brilliant international fame (St.Petersburg-Paris-Brussels) presented a charming canape of Csárdás, Massenet, and Saint-Saëns;
– Vladimir Orlov, an acclaimed pianist and organist, performed PIANO pieces by Schubert and Liszt’s “Liebestraume” (Грёзы любви);
– Nikolay Murashkin, with his jolly BALALAYKA, urged us to dance and sing our beloved Russian and Eastern European folk tunes;
– In the less serious, second part of the evening, we were treated to an authentic BELLY DANCE by a professional Russian-speaking performer (Elina Danilenko), and energising GUITAR SONGS by Valentin Rusinov.
Feedback: «Нам очень понравился концерт! О том, что Максим великолепно играет на скрипке, мы слышали и раньше […] И хлеб очень вкусный! Интересно, какой у них рецепт? Я сама пеку хлеб, но у меня хорошо получается, только когда я беру 1:1 пшеничную и ржаную муку»…
Please send us your bread recipes (Russian, Baltic, Eastern European, Asian, Caucasian, …) – and we shall publish them on CamRuSS’ website.
Here are some pictures: Spring Concert and Maslenitsa 2011 photos.